Betekenis van:
rice paddy

rice paddy
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • veld met rijstplanten
  • an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown



rice paddy
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • rijstveld
  • an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown




  1. Paddy rice
  2. (paddy rice)
  3. Rice (paddy rice)
  4. Quality of paddy rice offered
  5. Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
  6. Rice in the husk (‘paddy’ or rough)
  7. Yield of whole-grain milled paddy rice
  8. Take-over of offers of paddy rice
  9. Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
  10. Overall yield of milled paddy rice
  11. for cereals and paddy rice, than the respective reference prices;
  12. Sampling and tests of offers of paddy rice
  13. for paddy rice, from 1 April to 31 July;
  14. The conversion rate between husked rice and paddy rice shall be as follows:
  15. The processing costs to be taken into consideration when paddy rice is converted into husked rice shall be EUR 47,13 per tonne of paddy rice.